Columbia MBA Essays

Columbia MBA essays

As we near round one MBA deadlines for the 2024-25 admissions cycle, top B-schools have released their essay questions. Today, we will discuss the essay questions released by Columbia Business School for this year’s admissions cycle. Understanding and effectively responding to these Columbia MBA essays prompts can significantly enhance your application and increase your chances of securing admission to this prestigious program.

But before that, let us take a look at the deadlines for each round:

Here is the table for the Columbia Business School MBA application deadlines for the 2024-2025 cycle:

RoundApplication DeadlineInterview NotificationDecision Notification
Round 1September 10, 2024By November 15By December 20
Round 2January 7, 2025By February 20By March 26
Round 3April 1, 2025By May 1By May 15

Tips for Writing Effective Essays

  • Be Authentic: Let your true personality shine through in your writing.
  • Show, Don’t Tell: Use vivid examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points.
  • Proofread Carefully: Ensure your essays are free of grammatical errors and typos.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask friends, family, or mentors to review your essays and provide constructive criticism.

Example Essay

Variation 1

Essay 1: Through your résumé and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Breast cancer — a phrase that instills fear in women of all ages worldwide. Statistics reveal its huge impact, affecting one in four women globally. In a country like India, where merely 35% of households have health insurance and many insurers exclude coverage for pre-existing conditions, women often forgo regular check-ups and necessary treatment due to financial constraints. Even those with insurance find themselves burdened by unanticipated expenses. It is crucial to develop a solution for these women. Thus, my long-term goal is to launch an insurance tech startup, empowering women in developing countries to confront health challenges with dignity and financial security. With this goal in mind, my plan for the next 3-5 years is to join a top management consulting firm, focusing on their healthcare practice to enhance my expertise in the sector. .

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My interest in battling breast cancer was initially triggered xx years ago, when my XX discovered a lump in her left breast that led to the diagnosis of stage two breast cancer. What followed was a year-long process that included two surgeries and six rounds of chemotherapy, underscoring a tenacious battle not only against the disease but also against the complexities posed by insurance companies. Nevertheless, we navigated through this horrible challenge together.

During this period, I immersed myself in understanding the broader implications of breast cancer. Actively participating in breast cancer awareness initiatives and supporting different NGOs, I recognized the urgent need for a digital platform offering unrestricted access to timely diagnosis and subsequent treatment for women in emerging economies. I advocate for a specialized, affordable breast cancer insurance platform, encompassing annual tests and treatments for diagnosed women. This initiative, supported by NGO partnerships and featuring a support system with recovered patients, would guarantee financial relief and establish a robust support network for those undergoing treatment. 

I am well aware that embarking on this venture poses significant challenges, given the intricacies of the healthcare industry and the unique dynamics of emerging markets concerning insurance-tech products. This is precisely why I am seeking the comprehensive business knowledge that Columbia can provide to turn my dream of launching an insurance tech startup into a reality. I see CBS as the cornerstone of my career, envisioning an integration of my CBS education, my current experience in private equity, and my future aspirations in management consulting—all converging to propel me toward my long-term goals.

In conclusion, I am determined to make a significant impact on the Columbia MBA community by leveraging my academic, professional, and personal experiences. My commitment to active involvement in various clubs, combined with my diverse background and future aspirations, will not only enrich my own MBA journey but also positively influence the organizations and communities I plan to engage with. I am certain that the CBS curriculum, its academic excellence, the inclusive multicultural environment of the MBA, and undoubtedly the experience of the financial capital will cater to an unparalleled experience, inspiring me to achieve my goals and become a global leader.  

Essay 2: The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a co-curricular program designed to ensure that every CBS student develops the skills to become an ethical and inclusive leader. Through PPIL, students attend programming focused on five essential diversity, equity, and inclusion skills: Creating an Inclusive Environment, Mitigating Bias and Prejudice, Managing Intercultural Dialogue, Addressing Systemic Inequity, and Understanding Identity and Perspective-taking. Tell us about a time when you were challenged around one of these five skills. Describe the situation, the actions you took, and the outcome. (250 words)  

In my capacity as a Private Equity Controller at XYZ, I faced a challenge related to the Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership’s skill of “Managing Intercultural Dialogue” and “Inclusive Environment”. Amidst a ‘great resignation’ era in 20XX, my team encountered a wave of departures, leaving me and one other member as the remaining pillars. 

Navigating this period involved balancing daily targets, client requests, and training new team members across A, B and C. I recognized the importance of addressing the team’s diversity as our virtual training sessions presented unique hurdles due to varying learning curves and cultural nuances. In response, I proactively documented comprehensive process notes that not only explained the ‘how’ but also delved into the ‘why’ of our procedures. This approach facilitated a deeper understanding for team members, fostering a sense of trust and empowerment.

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The outcome was not just the successful onboarding of new team members but a remarkable achievement in our performance metrics: a remarkable year-on-year increase of ~50% in the volume of processed cash flows and a substantial ~$XX million rise in carried interest earned by the firm. 

Appreciating my contributions, I earned a promotion to Associate during the subsequent review cycle. This experience reinforced my belief in the transformative power of inclusive leadership, highlighting the need to manage intercultural dialogue for a cohesive and thriving inclusive team, and underscored the essence of leadership for me — recognizing that true leadership involves facilitating the growth of others.

Essay 3: We believe Columbia Business School is a special place. CBS proudly fosters a collaborative learning environment through curricular experiences like our clusters and learning teams, an extremely active co-curricular and student life environment, and career mentorship opportunities like our Executives-in-Residence program. Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you academically, culturally, and professionally? (250 words)

I believe CBS is the ideal Business School to propel me toward my short and long-term goals, fostering both professional and personal growth due to its unique curriculum and thriving professional networks,  vibrant club community, and unique location.

Firstly, CBS’ courses such as Strategy Formulation, Business Analytics, or Organizational Change will help me round up my profile to reach my goals. Additionally, from conversations with current students like XXX(MBA’ xx), I am excited to join the ‘Management Consulting Association to navigate the complex consulting recruiting processes successfully. I am also eager to join the ‘Private Equity Club’ to contribute through my experience of 4+ years as a chartered accountant in PE at an investment bank.

Secondly, beyond my professional pursuits, I am very excited to experience the diverse club community that Columbia has to offer. I plan to join the ‘Outdoors Club’. Having completed 50+ treks, I look forward to helping organize trips and events with fellow nature enthusiasts at CBS. As an Indian woman, I would also love to join ‘Columbia Women In Business’ and the ‘South Asia Business Association’ that I learned of after speaking with SP (MBA ‘xx). Additionally, I have always been enthusiastic about giving back – i.e., teaching underprivileged kids, and recording books for the blind. Thus, I look forward to getting actively involved in the ’Financial Literacy Club’.

Finally, being “at the very center of business”, CBS will bring significant opportunities for my career transition as well as international conferences and events.

Variation 2

Essay 1: Through your resume and recommendation, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next three to five years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job? (500 words)

Over the next 3-5 years, I aspire to expand ST’s services, transitioning from zero-code algorithmic investing to inclusive investment avenues that resonate with a global audience. I intend to use the foundational business knowledge and leadership skills acquired at CBS to effectively manage global operations, overcome challenges, and expand ST’s reach, scaling from 2 million users to the next 100 million. 

Growing up in a family with limited means, I saw firsthand how financial exclusion and a lack of access to opportunities can contribute to social inequality. This experience motivated me to co-found ST, where our goal was to democratize the realm of financial investments and make investing accessible to ordinary people. Through ST, my team and I were able to open doors for everyday traders with as little as $XX to invest, aiming to dismantle barriers that reserved algorithmic investing only for the elite. So far, we’ve empowered over two million individual investors in India, enabling transactions exceeding $XX billion in volume.

As a tech-oriented individual, my passion lies in creating niche innovative products. However, while working to set up ST’s XX subsidiary operations, I came to understand that specific gaps in my knowledge on topics, such as global operations management and corporate finance, and my limited network restricted my potential for global impact. This realization drove me to recognize the significance and the absolute need to acquire a robust business foundation and cultivate a strong global network. Being at CBS, amidst the financial pulse of XY, offers an unparalleled advantage in this regard. Furthermore, esteemed courses like FinTech by Professor Zeldes and International Finance by Professor Veldkamp will be pivotal for my growth. 

My goal with ST is not just innovation but empowerment. I want to contribute to developing a society where financial constraints no longer stifle aspirations. My long-term goals, however, surpass the scope of ST. Quantum computing is an exciting new frontier projected to exceed a market size of $1.3 trillion by 20XX. My long-term dream is to leverage my experience from scaling ST to establish a quantum computation venture in collaboration with my brother, a prospective Ph.D. graduate from MNO in QRS. Our combined expertise – my business insight and his knowledge of quantum physics – will focus on creating algorithms that elevate the efficacy of quantum computations. As this technology matures over the next decade, our goal is to harness its power for monumental challenges such as climate change, drug discovery, and more.

In essence, the blend of academic rigor, the multicultural milieu of CBS, and the electric pace of New York City will be instrumental in shaping my journey. An education at CBS will be critical in helping me realize my ambitions to drive meaningful transformations in the realms of finance and technology. Whether it’s bridging financial divides or pioneering quantum solutions, it will prepare me to lead, innovate, and impact billions globally.

ESSAY 2: The Phillips Pathway for Inclusive Leadership (PPIL) is a co-curricular program designed to ensure that every CBS student develops the skills to become an ethical and inclusive leader. Through PPIL, students attend programming focused on five essential diversity, equity, and inclusion skills: Creating an Inclusive Environment, Mitigating Bias and Prejudice, Managing Intercultural Dialogue, Addressing Systemic Inequity, and Understanding Identity and Perspective Taking. Tell us about a time when you were challenged around one of these five skills. Describe the situation, the actions you took, and the outcome. (250 words)

In the X tech sector, hiring is traditionally driven by metrics like grades, test scores, and the reputation of the academic institution. Hiring someone without an undergrad degree, particularly for the sophisticated role of a quantitative developer, is virtually unprecedented,

Two years ago, while recruiting for my team, I discovered an intriguing candidate whose portfolio showcased unique projects, divergent from typical undergraduates. I learned that he had to drop out of college due to his family’s financial troubles during the COVID lockdown. This decision hindered his job prospects, leaving him without interview callbacks for over a year.

Impressed by his critical thinking and passion during our interview, I was keen to bring him on board. Yet, when I presented his profile to senior management, I faced strong resistance. Their apprehensions centered around setting an undesirable precedent and implicit biases against those without a traditional degree. Confident in my team’s culture of inclusivity and the candidate’s potential, I advocated for his hiring, even presenting my case to the board.

Two years later that candidate is among the top 10% of performers, has gotten a promotion, and is due for his second one. In addition, our leadership team has taken a more open-minded approach to the hiring process, creating a more inclusive and collaborative environment.

This episode vindicated my belief in challenging systemic biases and the need to create an inclusive and equitable environment. I anticipate that an MBA at Columbia will further my dedication to inclusive leadership and its holistic practice.

ESSAY 3: We believe Columbia Business School is a special place. CBS proudly fosters a collaborative learning environment through curricular experiences like our clusters and learning teams, an extremely active co-curricular and student life environment, and career mentorship opportunities like our Executives-in-Residence program. Why do you feel Columbia Business School is a good fit for you academically, culturally, and professionally? (250 words)

The culture at CBS emphasizes fearless leadership, challenging conventions, and making meaningful differences. From conversations with AB (MBA’xx) and KL (MBA’xx), I know that CBS focuses on developing fearless leaders who actively contribute to driving positive change. This aligns with my ethos and assures me that CBS would be a conducive environment for my growth.

The cluster and learning team experiences would immerse me in a melting pot of diverse perspectives, enriching my global business outlook. Courses such as “Innovate Using Design Thinking” by Prof. Gita Johar, combined with my engagement in the Social Enterprise Club, will provide insights into infusing empathy into technology and creating solutions that resonate with user needs.

CBS’s J-Term MBA also offers an early start and comprehensive electives spanning innovation, strategy, and operations. The Advanced Projects and Applied Research in Fintech (“APAR”) initiative offers an ideal platform for me to develop the crucial skills needed to achieve my goals. The Eugene Lang Entrepreneurship Center presents exciting opportunities to collaborate with entrepreneurs in a variety of fields. 

CBS’s prime location in New York, the global financial epicenter, offers exposure to a fintech spectrum from innovative startups to established financial institutions. This ecosystem is unparalleled and will allow me to meet like-minded peers who can help me bring my vision of global financial inclusion to life. 

CBS will situate me in an environment fostering innovation and social impact. It’s the ideal place for me to bridge the gap between my current expertise and my global ambitions.

ESSAY 4: Optional Essay: If you wish to provide further information or additional context around your application to the Admissions Committee, please upload a brief explanation of any areas of concern in your academic record or personal history. This does not need to be a formal essay. You may submit bullet points. (Maximum 500 Words)

I am writing to provide additional context around certain aspects of my application, namely my academic history and my personal background. My journey, both academic and personal, has been shaped by my upbringing in a family of limited means that emphasized hard work, resilience, and sacrifice.

My parents come from a village in YZ, XX. While my father’s central government job required him to move across the country, often to formidable border regions, my mother took on the responsibility of raising my brother and me in BD. Witnessing the sacrifices both my parents made, my father working thousands of miles away and my mother ensuring our well-being single-handedly instilled in me an unwavering work ethic and a desire to push boundaries.

I self-studied throughout my schooling without any external guidance or tutors, driven primarily by the sacrifices of my parents. This independent learning allowed me to secure admission to the IJKL, one of the top colleges in X. However, due to financial constraints, I couldn’t attend. Instead, I embraced an opportunity to study at a state-level college, one of the top schools in the state, where I received a full four-year scholarship, earning my bachelor’s with excellent scores and becoming the first from the family to graduate from college. Though this college did not have the prestige of IJKL, I remained committed to excelling. This drive and determination led me to work as an AI research intern on a team prepping for the ABCD 20XX robotics challenge. This transformative experience deepened my passion for cutting-edge AI research and led to my journey of innovation and entrepreneurship.

While building DEF, we were running out of funds to support the expenses, so I started an online water can delivery service called XXX, where, in addition to building an entirely new application, I also delivered hundreds of 20-liter (5-gallon) cans of water door-to-door daily. This perseverance and resilience eventually helped XXX become a success, leading to it being acquired by Voonik in 20XX. Over the past six years, I have worked tirelessly to help build ST from the ground up. Today, the algorithmic trading platform I co-founded has become X’s leading algorithmic investing platform. I still lead the company’s operations, and the weight of this responsibility, coupled with the high intensity of the startup environment, requires rigorous commitment, often involving prioritizing long-term goals over short-term personal joys.

Although my journey may not have the traditional brand names associated with academic excellence, it is marked by resilience, grit, and a consistent pattern of making the best out of every situation. I appreciate that the committee will consider my work ethic and how far I’ve come in my journey when evaluating my application. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Crafting compelling Columbia MBA essays requires careful thought, planning, and self-reflection. By understanding Columbia’s focus, addressing the key essay components, and following the tips provided, you can increase your chances of gaining admission to this prestigious program. Remember, the goal is to present a well-rounded picture of yourself that showcases your potential as a future leader.

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