Interview Questions For Rotman

Rotman MBA Interview Questions

As we know, the interview is the final round which decides whether or not your hard work pays off. To make this possible, our experts constantly brainstorm strategies and ideas to help our applicants to crack the MBA interview. To add to our series, we are here with interview questions for Rotman to show how an MBA interview looks alike. 

This article will provide you with sample interview questions for Rotman and how to ace your interview. 

Here we have listed down some sample interview questions for Rotman that have been asked frequently by adcoms. As we always practice is the only key to unlocking the doors of your dream school. Be yourself and authentic as the interviewer can figure out whether you have mugged up things or you are confident to face any critical questions. Remember to give answers in a way that reflects “your” personality, not any idol. 

Professional Experience-Related Questions

  • Tell me something about yourself, or Walk me through your resume.
  • What are your short- and long-term professional ambitions after earning your MBA?
  • Why MBA? or Why now? Or Why an MBA at this stage of your career?
  • Why is Rotman the best fit for you?
  • What is your Plan B? in case your primary goal does not happen?

Personal Qualities-Related Questions

  • What are your key strengths? Can you give some examples, please?
  • What are your key weaknesses? Can you give some examples, please?
  • What do your coworkers think of you?
  • How can you add value to the Class? or Why should we take you?
  • There is something about you that isn’t included in your CV.
  • Any reasons why we should not select you?
  • Interests and Hobbies-related questions – why do you do it? What have you achieved/learned?
  • How do you distinguish yourself from the other candidates?

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Situation and Behavioural Based Question

The answers to these situational-based questions can be enhanced when you talk to an experienced person with extensive knowledge of how adcoms evaluate the profile. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is your leadership style? Can you give an example of a project you led?
  • What would you describe are your greatest achievement to date?
  • Give me an example of a time you failed.
  • Give me an example of a time you faced a conflict. How did you handle that?
  • Give me an example of a time when you did not meet a client’s expectations. What happened, and how did you attempt to rectify the situation?
  • What do you believe the Admissions Committee will be most concerned with when considering your application?

Last Set of Questions

  • Can you please tell me how international exchange students and schools are assigned?
  • How is a club leader selected?
  • Any other questions you may have in regards to the program?

Key Tips to Ace MBA Interview

  • Well-versed in your resume.
  • Research and preparation for the interview are a must.
  • Practice interview questions.
  • Have a logical and practical vision.
  • Have a consistent personality; don’t get confused with questions.
  • Ask relevant questions at last of the interview.
  • Communicate with your interviewer.
  • Be confident and authentic and show the real “you.” 

With this, we end this article with all the information regarding Schulich’s interview questions, but this is not the end from our side.  If you need an upper hand, our team is always there to show you the right direction.

We offer a limited number of complimentary profile evaluations each week. We match you with the students and alums of top B-Schools according to your background and target schools. In this call, the experts will try to dig out your USP for top B-schools and provide you with honest feedback on your profile and chances to your target schools.

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