Mr. IT professional got into Chicago Booth and Wharton
I recently got admits from Chicago Booth and Wharton Business schools. This same time last year, I couldn’t even think of this happening in the near future. Luckily, one day, I came across MBA and Beyond, and what happened after that was simply a long-standing dream come true. From the get-go, they held my hand,…
Ms. Legal and Compliance (Financial Services) got into Georgetown with a GMAT waiver.
The team is really supportive, and queries are addressed promptly. I got interview invites from both the colleges I applied to and finally got admitted to one of them. The stories collection database and branding part is really good and focused. It helps you stay focused throughout the application process. Even the interview prep was…
Ms. Data analyst got into Tepper, Ross and Fuqua (Scholarship- USD 25K) with a 710 GMAT.
I joined MBA and Beyond towards the end of June with a clear intention of applying to schools outside India. After a few conversations with the team, consultant mapping, and answering the intriguing self-introspecting questions as part of the process, I had a call with Paridhi, and she helped me pick my top 3 schools…
Ms. Consulting associate (healthcare) got into Rice Jones (Scholarship-USD 120K) and John Hopkins (Scholarship-USD 60K) with a GMAT waiver.
In this section, I will provide a detailed review of my amazing consultant – Sangeetha – who partnered with me from MBA&Beyond’s team. Working with Sangeetha made me realize a critical point very early on the journey – the value of authenticity in the MBA application process. She understands the value of genuineness in the…
Mr. Accounting Portfolio Manager with a 620 GMAT got into UNC, Cornell, Emory with a $30K scholarship.
MBA&Beyond was spectacular. They took the time to really learn my story to be able to properly develop my profile and strategy. They made it a point to be available at short notice to help refine/finesse my essays, answer my questions, and prep for interviews. My consultant had a great, positive attitude that helped keep…
Mr. Junior Consultant, GMAT-560 (Manchester, 70% scholarship)
After looking around at different admissions consultants, I had an initial session with Paridhi. She was very helpful and realistic about what I can expect from the journey and service. Once I signed up, I started working with Punit who was absolutely fantastic. He helped me finesse my CV and made me look introspectively which…
Ms. Project Manager (Financial Services), GRE-327, Got into Said Oxford and NUS
Before joining MBAB, I also had introductory calls with other consulting services. What made MBAB stand out was the ease of its services and quick response time. MBAB did not require one to fill in a copious number of forms before every session. The MBAB content-gathering portal is seamless and helps gather your stories in…
Ms. Electrical Engineer got into IE, St. Gallen and Manchester with 30% scholarship
My experience with MBA & Beyond has been amazing. I got an interview invite from 3 out of the five schools that I applied to. The best thing about MBAB is the unlimited time with consultants. This allowed me to experiment with the essay stories as I’ve more time to make errors and get them…
Ms. Army Veteran, got into Sloan Fellows Program
. I am an Indian Army woman veteran who embarked upon the journey to the dream B school with MBA & Beyond. I was taken through the process with step-by-step guidance and mentoring. I worked closely with the consultant Pranav Shetty who utilized his due diligence to understand my background and strengths and prepare the…
Mr. Advisory Associate, financial services got admit into NYU Stern (Part time MBA), Applied with a GMAT Waiver
Guillermo was amazing to work with. He was very knowledgeable about the mba application process and gave great advice as I was deciding where to apply and while building my application. He truly helped me create a story that was coherent and truly defined me as a person and candidate. I was able to get…